Brexit Business Readiness Update 12 August 2019

Here is the latest news/update from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy…


Recent Announcements/Updates: 

Importing and Exporting 

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Animal and Plant Health Agency have issued guidance on plant passports to trade plants in the EU. How growers and traders can get authorised to issue plant passports, when you need to be authorised and the plants that need passports.  Update – protected zones, and plants which must have passports in protected zones document updated.

Department for International Trade have provided guidance explaining changes for UK exporters to India; Norway; Australia and Switzerland, if we leave the EU with no deal. Update – updated with links to new export guides and link to Overseas Business Risk report:

Exporting to India after Brexit if there’s no deal

– Exporting to Norway after Brexit if there’s no deal

– Exporting to Australia after Brexit if there’s no deal

– Exporting to Switzerland after Brexit if there’s no deal


Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have updated the terms of reference and membership for the group, which discusses research and innovation policy in the light of the UK’s exit from the EU. Update –  membership updated: EU exit, universities, research and innovation: stakeholder working group


GOV.UK has an online tool to help businesses prepare for the UK leaving the EU. Visit our Brexit advise page for more details: