The Purpose Pusher – Let me help you in these uncertain times

Chamber member, Claire Morton talks to us about The Purpose Pusher Project…

I’m wanting to share with you my Meditation Masterclass to help you in these times of uncertainty and speculation. The talks that I’m having with clients, friends, family and students is that they’re worrying about the future, about home schooling, their job, their relationships, their loneliness, finances etc… it’s all coming from a place of sadness, loneliness and lack of hope.

Next level 1 class is starting on the 8th February. 

I want to be able to help you know that you have choices. We all have them but sometimes can’t see the wood for the trees but you know what, trees are a beautiful thing. Have you ever taken time to notice the beauty of a tree, the beauty of nature in its detail and all its glory. Well that’s the beauty of choice, you simply need to lift your head up and notice what’s around you.

Simply being mindful to what your doing in the present moment and taking time to appreciate making that morning cup of tea and pausing to think where the tea bag came from that’s causing the swirls in your cup. Or looking out the window to that view that you see each day, taking the time out to notice and focus in on one leaf on the tree, or the one blade of grass to see its natural growth and beauty. I know this sounds quite soft, maybe crazy, but just think about why you are here, a soul, in a meat body, flying through space on a big piece of rock – I mean – what’s it all about?

It fascinates me so much, I’m intrigued and always have been as a little girl, asking questions to myself and of others, why am I here? Why are we here? Why are you here? I know why I’m here. I know my purpose – it took me a while! Not many people do – which is why I love meditation – this ancient practice that allows us to sit with ourselves to reconnect and observe ourselves (not to judge) just to observe and ask the questions – What is my purpose? What does success mean to me? What do I want to be? What do I want to do? Who and what is important to me? And how do I want to show up in the world?

Anyways, enough of my cosmic rays, love and light!!! I wanted to share this Masterclass that I delivered a couple of months ago that introduced people to my style and teaching of meditation. Read the experience and testimonials from the last course yourself from my students.


I was astounded by the personal transformation my students made in just 5 weeks. It was emotional and amazing to watch.

Because of this I’m taking my teachings global. My mission is to educate, inspire and cultivate consciousness through coaching, personal development training and meditation practices across humanity and it all starts one by one.

My next level 1 class is starting on the 8th February, please feel free to message me for more information, a chat or further insight. e-mail: