The Brothers of Charity Health and Wellbeing Day organised by Lesley Davies and Jeanette Doherty with a little help from the Chambers Working Well Co-Ordinator Cheryl.
The event was extremely well supported by a host of organisations and agencies who work tirelessly for the benefit of others. These included Evolving Mindset, Diabetes UK, Stop Smoking Knowsley, Healthy Knowsley, Volair, Enterprise Credit Union, Knowsley Borough Council – Neurodiversity Team, DWP, Change Grow Live, Beacon Counselling, Breast Mates and the Paul Lavell Foundation. Peter Gilding and Company provided fruit for the event which was made into fruit cups (which were delicious). The Living Well Bus was also on site giving free health checks to staff, service users and carers. Saputo Dairies, who are members of Knowsley Chamber, loaned out their Smoothie Bike and a couple of their health and wellbeing team to assist all visitors to make their own drinks.
Jeanette Doherty passed on her thanks as follows:-
“Cheryl, thank you so much for all your support, without it, it wouldn’t have been possible. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and even the stall holders came up to me and said it was one of the best they had been too. “
Both our staff and the people we support all benefited and here’s to many more to come.